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Gosses Bluff Crater (Australia)

 Terrestrial Impact Crater Database (TIC) Click on the image for further information.

Freiburg’s Department of Geology enjoys a long and successful history, which is associated with internationally recognized scientists such as Gustav Steinmann (1886 – 1906).

The Department of Geology offers the students a wide range of courses from plate tectonics and structural geology to rock mechanics and petrophysics, as well as general and regional geology. The main topics in research and teaching are planetary geology and impact research.

The intention of our research is to understand and quantify dynamic and highly dynamic procedures. The measure of analysis ranges from 106 m to 10-9 m (1000 km to 1 Nanometer) and means on one hand to employ remote sensing, supported by satellites, and on the other hand scanning with the help of electro optical microscopes.

The time frame of these geological formations can range from microseconds to millions of years. Next to classical methods of geological field work, remote sensing and experimental methods are important research areas.


 Funded by:  DFG      DLRDAAD       move

Move Academic licence provided by Petroleum Expert Ltd. (donation: £1,872,217.38).