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Feather Features

Feather Features: a new Shock Indicator

Feather Feature of the Vargeao impact structure, Brasil.


Dr. Michael Poelchau

Prof. Dr. Thomas Kenkmann

Term: 2009-2011


"Feather features" are comblike shaped microstructures in quartz crystals, which appear along specific crystallographic directions. So far feather features have been mainly ignored in microstructural studies of dynamic deformed rocks. In the analysis their benefit as shock indicator is being examined. The identification of the physical basic conditions as well as the mechanics of formation are being analyzed by crystallographic and optoelectronic methods.


POELCHAU, M. H. and KENKMANN, T. (2010). Feather features: a low shock pressure indicator in quartz J. Geophys. Res. (submitted).

POELCHAU, M. H., KENKMANN, T. (2010). Feather Features: Microstructural Deformation in the Low-Shock Pressure Regime. 41th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, March 1-5. 2010, Houston, TX, USA, CD-Rom #1987.

POELCHAU, M. H., KENKMANN, T. REIMOLD, W. U., SCHMITT, R. T. AND KHIRFAN, M. (2009). Feather textures – a low pressure shock feature? 1st Arabian Impact Conference, Amman, November 9-11; 6 pp.